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 - 我的PMR考得不好,没有信心再读下去了,我想早一点出来社会找一份电脑技师,汽车技师,美容师,面包师,商业行政之类的学徒工作,不知在哪里可以找到?

- 我对国中课程的课本不感兴趣,我想念一些以职业为主,动手做的学习方式修读我喜欢的职业好像电脑技师,汽车技师,美容师,面包师,商业行政人员的技职教育课程,但是我的家境不是很好,不知要去哪里可以找收费不高或免费的技职课程?



No.6-2, Jalan30A/119, Taman Taynton View,
Cheras 56000 Kuala Lumpur。

辅导内容:1. 报读技职课程有什么好处?2. 技职和学术教育的升学管道有什么不同?3. 那里有提供免费的技职教育课程?4. 需要什么申请资格 ?5. 如何申请?


为了能让更多家长和学生享受这项免费服务,每次辅导服务时间, 只限20分钟,每天只接待10位咨询者。必须在24小时之前,电话预约。有不便之处,请多多包涵。

更多详情,请联络邓先生或 Daniel Tan 012 3033484或者 浏览FB网页https://www.facebook.com/AcimEducation





  • 我的PMR考得不好,没有信心再读下去了,我想早一点出来社会找一份电脑技师,汽车技师,美容师,面包师,商业行政之类的学徒工作,不知在哪里可以找到?

  • 我对国中课程的课本不感兴趣,我想念一些以职业为主,动手做的学习方式修读我喜欢的职业好像电脑技师,汽车技师,美容师,面包师,商业行政人员的技职教育课程,但是我的家境不是很好,不知要去哪里可以找收费不高或免费的技职课程?
如果您或您的孩子面对以上的问题,是否有兴趣尝试报读免费(包括学费与膳宿)的国立职业学院(Kolej Vokasional)中学技职课程报读技职课程有什么好处? 技职和学术教育的升学管道有什么不同? 那里有提供免费的技职教育课程? 需要什么申请资格 ? 如何申请? 


请浏览本中心面子书活动网页http://www.facebook.com/AcimEducation/events ,登录您的面子书户口后,点击“初中毕业生技职教育讲座会(入场免费)”“出席参与”,就可以了。

更多详情,请联络鄧先生 012-3033 484.





一天密集假期电脑课程只需付 RM148
  • 免费复习,学到会为止。
  • 免费提供小学Project和电脑资讯科技咨询服务。
  • 报读任何剑桥电脑资讯工艺证书课程将获50%报名费折扣


Young Learners LEGO Education Programme

The Young Learners LEGO Education programme is using LEGO® Education WeDo™ robotics to introduce robotics to young learners. It encourages playful learning where children build fun LEGO models with motors and sensors. They then connect them to a computer to program behaviour.

Learners build LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors, connect them to a computer, and use a simple programming tool to program behavior. They work with a series of cross-curricular, theme-based activities and develop skills within science, technology, engineering, mathematics, as well as language and literacy.

At the end of this programme, student will develop the following skills:
- Creative and independent thinking skills.
- Teamwork and communication skills.
- Logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Make systematic observations and measurements.

- Establish links between cause and effect.
- Make fair tests by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect.
- Create a program to produce a specific behavior.

- Display and communicate data using tables.
- Develop vocabulary and communication skills to explain how the model works.

Area of Study
There are 12 activities have been organized around four themes with three activities in each theme. The themes use technology, the building and programming of the model, along with a project oriented approach to integrate concepts across the curriculum. However, each theme does focus on one subject area more than others.

Amazing Mechanisms 
Dancing Birds, Smart Spinner, Drumming Monkey

The Amazing Mechanisms theme focuses on physical science concepts. 

In Dancing Birds, students learn about pulleys and belts, experimenting with the size of pulleys and the crossing and uncrossing of the belt. In Smart Spinner, students investigate the effect of smaller and larger gears on a spinning top. In Drumming Monkey, students learn about levers, cams, and patterns of movement. 

They experiment with the number and position of cams, using them as the effort causing the monkey’s arms to drum up and down on a surface at different rates.

Wild Animals
Hungry Alligator, Roaring Lion, Flying Bird
The Wild Animals theme focuses on technology, emphasizing the concept of sensing and responding to external stimuli. 

In Hungry Alligator, students program the alligator to snap its jaw
shut when the motion sensor sees something near its mouth. In Roaring Lion, students program the lion to sit up and then lie down and roar when it senses a bone. In Flying Bird, students program the tilt sensor to activate a flapping sound as they move the tail up and down, flapping the wings. They also program the motion sensor to activate a tweet sound when the bird tilts down to its feet.

Play Soccer
Goal Kicker, Goal Keeper & Cheerful Fans

The Play Soccer theme focuses on mathematics. 

In Goal Kicker, students measure the distance the kicking leg model kicks paper balls. In Goal Keeper, students calculate the number of blocks, goals, misses as they try to flick paper balls past a mechanical goal keeper. They also learn to program an automatic score keeping system. In Cheerful Fans, students apply a numerical rating system to judging the best performance in three subjective categories.

Adventure Stories
Airplane Rescue, Giant Escape and Sailboat Storm
The Adventure Stories theme focuses on language using the model to dramatize events. 

In Airplane Rescue, students learn important interview questions: Who, What, Where, Why, and How and report a story of Max the LEGO® minifigure’s airplane ride. In Giant Escape, students act out the dialogue, role-playing as Mia and Max wake the sleeping giant and must escape the forest. In Sailboat Storm, students describe the sequence of events as Max endures a thunderstorm at sea.

Course Fees :

RM297 for 3 months or RM99 per month which includes learning fees and Certificate of completion. 

Duration : 

  • 3 Months, 12 Lessons or 12 Guided Learning Hours.

  • One lesson per week , 60 minutes per lesson.

Time Table : 

  • Friday or Saturday
  • Morning Class (10am to 11am)
  • Afternoon Class (12.30pm to 1.30pm)

FREE Trial Class, please call for appointment.

Ms. Annie 010-2319381 or Mr. Daniel 012-3033484


小学 Project 电脑班/Primary School Project Computer Class



现在机会来了,您的孩子可以参加为期一天的小学Project电脑班。完成课程后只需上三个小时的特备班,就可报名参加Cambridge ICT Starters证书鉴定考试如果孩子能够通过Cambridge ICT Starters证书鉴定考试的话,那就表示她/他的电脑资讯工艺应用能力已达到国际水准,肯定让您引以为荣。

Dear Parents or Guardians, 

Are you having trouble with child’s primary school project or  planning holiday programme for your child ? Instead of helping your child to complete project or let child spends time on Facebook or iPad games during holiday, why not let your child learns computer skills that equip them the ability to finish school project  themselves, at the same time your child have the chance to earn a prestigious  UK Cambridge ICT  certificate, kill two birds with one stone. 

Now, the opportunity is coming, your child can participate a one day intensive primary school project computer course. Before taking the Cambridge ICT Starters Examination, she/he needs to attend a 3 hours special revision class . If your child passes the examination, it means her/his computer literacy has reached international standards, and for sure as parents, your child achievements are something to be proud of.


三合一电脑课程只需付 RM148



新教育基金所提供的总值高达 RM15000的奖助学金和介绍一位朋友报读任何一项电脑





Primary School Geography/Civic Project Computer Class

3-in-1 Computer Course RM148*

Special Reward to All ACIM Education Customers

Effective from 1 Mar 2012, if you register your child with any computer course, your child is qualified to apply scholarship award with total worth of RM15000 offered by Acim Education Fund and get a RM30 Acim Education gift voucher if you introduce a friend to register any computer course.  Hurry up ! Register today, Closing date is 10 Mar 2012.   
More information, please contact Mr Daniel Tan at 012 - 3033 484 .

* Course fee includes learning fees & materials, certificate of completion and tea break refreshment only.