育新会员忠诚计划 / ACIM Member Loyalty Programme

  • 宗旨 Objective
   Reward our loyalty customers with personalized Computing and 
   Information Technology learning experiences.
  • 会员种 Member Type
   Student member-7 to 19 yrs, Basic member-20 yrs & above. 
  • 员年费 Annual Fees
   Student member-RM15, Basic member-RM30
  • 申请方法 Apply Method
   Please download electronic application form, print,
   complete it and together with annual fees submit to 
   ACIM Education office. 
  • 员的好处 Member's Benefits 
    • 课程报名费将可享有高达50%扣.
        50% rebate for course registration fees. 
    • 报读资讯工艺课程享有会员优惠价.
        Special member price for enrollment of IT courses.
    • 申请育新教育奖学金.
        Qualified for applying ACIM Education scholarships.
    • 免费资讯工艺技职教育升学,就业和职涯规划咨询.
        Free IT Vocational education & career consulting.
    • 费个人电脑护理,维修和提升服务咨询.
        Free PC maintenance & repair consulting.
    • 免费受邀出席只供会员参加的职教育讲座,新课程试课和公益活动
    • Free invitation for member only Vocational     education talks, Trial courses and social responsibility events. 
