公益活动 Social Responsibility Activities

吉隆坡18日讯:协助蕉赖区SMK Seri Mutiara国中生Tan Pooi Hup 和Yong Ken Hong 到Setapak ERT职业学院办理入学上诉手续。KL Jan18: Assist Cheras SMK Seri Mutiara students Tan Pooi Hup and Yong Ken Hong to Setapak ERT Vocational College to submit 2013 Vocational Programme Enrollment appeal letter. 

SMK Seri Mutiara 国中生students : Tan Pooi Hup 和Yong Ken Hong

雪兰莪1月15日讯:协助Fan Mu Sing, 中四生来自吉隆坡蕉赖Seri Mutiara国中,和家人一起到沙亚南职业学院办理入学上诉手续。    Selangor Jan 15 : Assist Fan Mu Sing, a Form 4 student from SMK Seri Mutiara Cheras Kuala Lumpur and his parent  to submit the 2013 Vokasional Programme Enrollment appeal letter at Kolej Vokasional Shah Alam. 
初中三学生Fan Mu Sing与家长在沙亚南职业学院行政处合照。 Fan Mu Sing and his parent.
中午11时与行动方略联盟技职教育委员一行人陈正锦,张运华,黄榆翔和莉娟出席第一次州际技职教育觉醒运动,由马来西亚行动方略联盟技职教育行动委员会主催,森美兰中华大会堂、淡边六乡会协及淡边海南会馆主办,在森卅淡边海南会馆推介森卅技职教育觉醒运动。N.S Tampin Jan12, 2013: GBM TVET Committee and N.Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall, Tampin Liu Xian, and Hai Nan Association joint promote N.S Vocational Education Awareness Programme.

霹雳18日讯:马来西亚行动 方略联盟技职教育行动委员会于18/12/2012(星期二)远赴实兆远,造访南华国民型中学与校方董事会和家教协会理事成员洽谈争取开办基础技职教育课 程(PAV)事宜,双方交流甚欢 / Perak Dec18 : GBM TVET Committee members visited the board of Governors & Parent Teacher Association committee members of SMJK Nan Hwa, Sitiawan Perak to discuss the initiative of requesting MOE to offer Vocational Foundation Education (PAV) programme for lower secondary students.
南洋商报在旧吧生路崇文华小举行全国华小技职教育醒觉运动讲座的报道/The National SRJK(C) Vocational Education Awareness Talks at SRJK(C) Choong Wen reported Nanyang Shang Bao daily newspaper.

吉隆坡11月3日讯:在旧吧生路崇文华小举行全国华小技职教育醒觉运动讲座 / KL Nov 3: National SRJK(C) Vocational Education Awareness Talks at SRJK(C) Choong Wen.

雪兰莪10月29日讯:在瓜拉直落平民华小举行全国华小技职教育醒觉运动讲座 / Selangor Oct 29: National SRJK(C) Vocational Education Awareness Talks at SRJK Peng Ming.

Kuala Lumpur 29 Aug : "GBM TVET Committee and 
The Federation of Malaysia Chinese Guilds Association will joint promote 
 the Accreditation of Prior Achievement (Pentauliahan Pencapian Terdahulu-PPT) Programme 
of Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resource, Malaysia." Source from : Sin Chew Jit Poh

吉隆坡25 日 : 马来西亚行动方略联盟技职教育委员会今天在全国78所国民型中学推动技职教育觉醒运动 Kuala Lumpur 25 Jul : GBM & SMJK Principals Council to jointly promote National TVET Awareness Program 
Jul 22 : GBM Secondary School Student's Dropout and Challenge Committee appeals government's attention on the seriousness of 20,000 student dropouts per year.   Source:

Jul 17: GBM and Tamil Foundation to jointly promote TVET Awareness Programme.

Jun 30: TVET Talks organized by GBM at SMJK Confucian Kuala Lumpur.
Highlights of TVET Talks at SMJK Confucian Kuala Lumpur.
Jun 22:  "Public Vocational Schools should 
accommodate 40% of non-bumi students".
Jun 18 : GBM and SMJK Principals Council to jointly promote 
TEVT Awareness Programme.
Jun 13 : TVET Talks organised by GBM at SRJK(C) Chukai, Terengganu.

Jun 09 : GBM Special Interview with Miss Sia Wan Ying, 
World No. 8th in Beauty Therapy, 2011 London World Skills Competition.
May 26 : GBM and GIATMARA Join-Promote "1 Malaysia Latihan" Programme.

Mar 30 : GBM and SRJK(C) Headmaster Union to jointly promote 
TVET Awareness Programme.
