您是否为孩子在年终假期的节目而烦恼?以其让孩子在家中沉迷电视节目或电动游戏,不如让孩子学习一些对学校功课有益的电脑技能,同时又可考获剑桥大学国际资讯与 通讯工艺证书(Cambridge ICT Starters Certificate)或者牛津剑桥皇家国际电脑能力与资讯工艺文凭(OCR Computer Literacy and Information Technology/CLAiT Diploma for IT Users),一举两得.
现在机会来了,您可为您的孩子报名参加Cambridge ICT Starters Certificate 或者 OCR CLAiT International Diploma for IT Users假期密集电脑课程。在完成课程后,您的孩子就可报名参加在本学院举行的Cambridge ICT Starters Certificate 或 OCR CLAiT International Diploma for IT Users 鉴定考试。一旦通过Cambridge ICT Starters/OCR CLAiT International Diploma鉴定考试的话,那就表示您的孩子的电脑资讯工艺应用能力已达到国际水准,同时又可获得剑桥大学国际证书或者牛津剑桥皇家国际文凭,肯定让您 引以为荣. 更多详情。。。
Dear Parents,
Are you having troubles in planning programme for your child during school holiday ? Instead of let your child stay at home to watch TV or play PSP games, why not learn some computer skills that benefit their study, at the same time she/he can earn an UK Cambridge ICT Skills certificate or Oxford Cambridge & RSA (OCR) Computer Literacy and Information Technology (CLAiT) International Diploma for IT Users.
Now, the opportunity is coming, your child can participate an intensive Cambridge ICT Starters or OCR CLAiT International Diploma for IT Users programme. If your child passes the examination, it means her/his computer literacy has reached international standards, and for sure as parents, your child achievements are something to be proud of. More info...
Special Reward for all Acim Education Customers
Effective from 15 Oct 2011, if you register your child with any computer course, your child is qualified to apply scholarship award with total worth of RM15000 offered by Acim Education Fund and participate the Christmas Day lucky draw game with total worth of RM1000 Acim Education voucher. More than 10 prizes are waiting for you, the more courses your register, the greater chances your child will win the grand prize. Hurry up ! Register today, closing date for the lucky draw game is 15 Dec 2011. For more information, please contact Mr Daniel Tan at 012 - 3033 484.