
Cambridge ICT Starters假日营



现在机会来了,您的孩子可以参加Cambridge ICT Starters假日营,除了学习电脑应用技能之外,同时又可以考取剑桥大学国际考试中心所颁发享誉国际的Cambridge ICT Starters Modular证书,一举两得。

如果您的孩子能够通过Cambridge ICT Starters鉴定考试的话,那就表示她/他的电脑资讯工艺应用能力已达到国际水准,肯定让您引以为荣。

两天的课程收费只需 RM168 *  原价: RM 198  

* 以上优惠价只适用在 2011815日至28日优惠期间,课程收费包括学费,教材,剑桥考试费,结业证书和茶点。


邓先生 012 303 3484 或 Annie Lee 010 231 9381

Initial Steps: Starting With Text
7 12


这个单元介绍学生如何使用文书处理应用软件例如MS Office



-学习如何使用电脑键盘在Office Word文件上输入文字,用滑鼠来


/Open Word文件,打印/Print Word文件,储存/Save Word文件和

拼写检查/Spell check.

-了解如何使用Office Word 文书处理应用软件来改进文字工作的



上午班 - 9am 1pm,29/8 星期一 和30/8 星期二

下午班 - 2pm 6pm,29/8 星期一 和30/8 星期二



Initial Steps: Starting Graphs
7 12

这个单元介绍学生如何使用试算表应用软件例如MS Office Excel,来分类资讯和通过Excel简单图表呈现分析结果。

- 学习如何使用电脑键盘在Office Excel报表上输入数据,储存和分类资讯,通过Excel图表来呈现资讯。

- 了解如何使用Office Excel图表来回答问题和比较资讯。

上午班 - 9am 1pm,1/9 星期四 和2/9 星期五
下午班 - 2pm 6pm,1/9 星期四 和2/9 星期五




Cambridge ICT Starters Camp

Dear Parents,
Do you want to know whether your child’s computer literacy has reached the international standards ? Or you are looking for computer courses for your child to learn the key computer skills to provide excellent preparation for success in future education or work ?

Now, the opportunity is coming, your child can participate Cambridge ICT Starters Camp to learn the computer and ICT skills, at the same time she/he can earn a world-wide recognized Cambridge ICT Starter Modular certificate awarded by University of Cambridge International Examination Board. 

If your child passes the examination, it means her/his computer literacy has reached international standards, and for sure as parents, your child achievements are something to be proud of.

School Holidays Promotion 

A 2 days course only RM168 *  Normal Price : RM 198  

* The promotion price is valid only for registration from 15 to 28 August 2011 and includes learning fees & materials, Cambridge Examination fees , Certificate of Completion and Tea Break Refreshment.

Hurry ! Register now, a special door gifts will be given to those early birds while stocks last.

For more information, please  contact  

Daniel Tan 012 303 3484 or Annie Lee 010 231 9381

Initial Steps: Starting With Text
Ages 7 to 12

In this module, students are introduced how to use word processing software such as MS Office Word to create and edit short pieces of text.

At the end of the course, student will:
-learn how to input text using the keyboard, to use the mouse to move around the document and to access document features like open, print, save and spell check.
-understand how to use the word processing software to improve the accuracy of their work.

Duration : 2 Days  ( Monday & Tuesday )

Class Schedule:
Class 1 - 9am to 1pm, 29 & 30 August 2011  
Class 2 - 2pm to 6pm, 29 & 30 August 2011

Cambridge Examination Venue :
Acim IT Professional Education's Computer Lab.

Duration and Date
1 Hour, and 14 day upon completing the above course.

Initial Steps: Starting Graphs
Ages 7 to 12

In this module, students are introduced how to use spreadsheet software such as MS Office Excel to classify information and present their findings in the form of simple charts or graphs.

At the end of the course, student will:
--understand how to use the spreadsheet software to store and classify information, present information in graphs and charts , and use charts or graphs to answer questions or compare information.

Duration : 2 Days (Thursday & Friday )  

Class Schedule:
Class 1 - 9am to 1pm, 1 & 2 September 2011  
Class 2—2pm to 6pm, 1 & 2 September 2011

Cambridge Examination Venue :
Acim IT Professional Education's Computer Lab.

Duration and Date:
1 Hour, and 14 day upon completing the above course.